Suzuki instructors are specially trained to work with the very youngest beginner.
We are excited to continue our partnership at Gentle Hands Tallahassee by offering a new class for young beginners and their parents. Preschool Guitar, led by Dr. Ben Lougheed is specially designed to introduce the world of guitar to 3-6 year old students. Held once a week for thirty minutes over a period of six weeks, this is the perfect class for students who have graduated from general music classes and are ready for a new challenge. Topics covered in Level I include learning the parts of the guitar, correct guitar posture, beginning aural skills, and playing on open strings. The cost of the class is $100 which includes all materials except for the instrument (please note that this is different from our Preschool Violin class!) Approved fractional-size guitars and ukuleles are available at a specially-discounted rate through our partner at Playground Music. Prices range from $39.99 to $100. More information about the instrument purchase options can be obtained at Playground Music or by contacting us.
Gentle Hands is the perfect location for students and parents to work with their guitar instructor in the classroom and then enjoy the afternoon in the beautiful, Montessori-inspired playroom. While membership at Gentle Hands is not required to register for or attend the Preschool Violin Class, Gentle Hands members will receive two free private lessons at Music Lessons Express. Click HERE for more information about open play and memberships.

Suzuki guitar students play together in a MLE Studio group class
Our Preschool Guitar program uses the Suzuki method, developed by Japanese pedagogue Shinichi Suzuki in the mid-twentieth century. Suzuki music lessons focus on developing aural skills at an early age, working closely with the parent, and learning with other children to build a supportive musical community. The primary focus of Suzuki music education is the development of character as the student works to master his/her instrument. Learning patience, respect for classmates and parents, and perseverance are of the utmost importance. More information can be found at the Suzuki Association of the Americas website HERE.
Registration is open for our first session which begins Thursday, July 1st at 11:00am. We are limiting class enrollment to only four students at this time, so register quickly before the spaces are gone by clicking HERE.
More information about the Suzuki program, including our staff bios, at MLE can be found HERE.