Natasha Marsalli, executive director
We are excited to announce that our executive director, Natasha Marsalli, was elected to the Florida Suzuki Association board of directors at last weekend’s general meeting. She has been serving as a member of the association’s Organizational Committee and as the Regional Coordinator for Northwest Florida and will continue in both of those roles while also serving as secretary.
Natasha joined the Music Lessons Express team in 2010 and became executive director in 2019. She joined the Suzuki Association of the Americas in 2017 and has since completed registered training in Books 1-4 as well as the Suzuki Principles in Action and Every Child Can! courses through the SAA. She currently teaches thirty violin students ranging from PreTwinklers to pre-professional high schoolers through MLE’s North Florida Suzuki School. In addition to her teaching, Natasha remains an active orchestral performer and holds contracts with the Mobile Symphony Orchestra, Pensacola Symphony Orchestra, and Sinfonia Gulf Coast.
For more information about Natasha, you can view her complete bio HERE.
For more information regarding the Suzuki Association of the Americas and their mission, you can visit their website HERE.